I start with a fresh turkey, which means I don’t have to battle it in the kitchen sink.
I stuff mine, although I know NO ONE else does. Whether you cook your turkey unstuffed or stuffed, put a little something under the skin. It gives a lot of extra flavor and helps to keep the breast moist. You can use herb butter, plain butter or in a healthier vein, orange slices are a beautiful alternative.
I put STUFFING under the skin. That way, each breast piece – sliced crosswise – has a bit of bonus stuffing with it.
This is my stuffing recipe. It’s a good one.
After I’ve stuffed the turkey in various places and sewed and tied it up, I’m ready to go.
Roast Turkey (serves 15)
(Thank you Julia, Mom and Joy of Cooking)
16 to 20 pound turkey, stuffed and trussed
2 tablespoons butter
2 tablespoons olive oil
stock for the bottom of the pan
1 cup diced onions
1 cup diced carrots
12 Lady Apples
Preheat oven to 325°F.
Melt butter and olive oil together in small saucepan. Rub that all over the bird, on all sides. Season with salt and pepper. Place on rack in roasting pan and slide into the oven.
After 30 minutes, add a cup or two of stock to the pan. Add a little more stock every 40 minutes or so. You don’t even have to cover the entire bottom of the pan. You just don't want the bottom to burn.
1½ hours before the end of roasting time, add 1 cup of diced onions and 1 cup of diced carrots to the roasting pan under the rack. Place Lady Apples around turkey. (They can be on the rack.)
When the breast is nicely browned, cover it with foil. Baste or don’t baste, it doesn’t matter, just check every once in awhile that the bottom has some liquid in it. Add stock, if you need to.

Cook a 16 to 20 pound stuffed bird for approximately 5ish hours. Every part of the bird should register 165 degrees, including the stuffing.
Remove turkey from the oven. TURN IT UPSIDE DOWN. That is my super duper special secret tip. It’s not easy, but just devote 2 pot holders that you can wash fifty times to the task. Remove Lady Apples from pan and set aside. Strain all the vegetables, drippings and stock into a large measuring pitcher to use as the base for gravy.
Cover turkey well with foil and let sit for at least 15 minutes. Cut all the strings off and remove. Remove the stuffing from the 2 openings (not from under the skin). Slice off the legs. Cut off the breasts in one piece from each side of the turkey’s backbone. Slice them crosswise. Cover with foil until ready to serve. Garnish with Lady Apples.
I get quite a bit of teasing from my photo from last year of the upside down turkey, but when I tell people why I did it, they are so grateful for the tip!
Wish I stayed back for Thanksgiving and make them... Lovely recipe...
You've been tagged! :-)
Hey Sue,
I've read in a couple posts already about this upseide-down turkey thing. But I haven't yet read why exactly you do it this way. (I might have missed it though, it's been known to happen...) So, why flip it upside down? Should I do it for a certain amount of time or all the way till carving? And will it work if I'm just doing a roasted turkey breast for a small group? Thanks! :)
Hey good call on my profile changing, I completely forgot about that, thanks!
Nice tips on the turkey roasting. I've never heard of putting stuffing under the skin, and turning a turkey upside down. You're quite adventurous, Sue.
I am going to be a guest at my niece's house this year so I don't know if she will have an upside down turkey (although she did graduate from CIA so who knows!). I am baking pies to take, traditional Apple and Steusel-Topped Pumpkin. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Hey All,
Have a wonderful holiday and tell us EVERYTHING after it's all over.
Quick answer to Andiclaire,
You flip the bird (I just HAD to say that) so the juices run into the breast and give you a moister turkey. As soon as the turkey, or just the breast, comes out of the oven, flip it and cover it with foil until you're ready to carve it.
Next time you should go with the Turducken, it is a blast.
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